Howdy, folks! My name is Asher, and I run this joint. B.R. Cards is filed with the government as a single member limited liability corporation, which by definition makes me its sole member. As a stoner, I happen to think that Sole Member is a funny use for a nickname, if not somewhat badass in a very mundane sort of way.

I see this blog post as somewhat necessary for the transparency I wish to extend throughout the website. The LinkedIn page which I’ve referenced in the Who Are You section of the company FAQ has been hidden from the public. I had used it as my roundabout way of telling intersted folks in who I am by a link to the LinkedIn search engine results page for “Banana Republicards”. Yes, this is an example of stoner humor.

Turns out, there’s a war going on the other side of the planet, and this war involves me because not only am I Jewish, but I am of the 85% who identify as a Zionist. Unlucky for me, this war coincides with what has been an all-consuming, never-ending, 4-year presidential election campaign that began sometime around 2015. So in response to harassment, both potential and real that proves the horseshoe theory, this blog piece will have to suffice.

Stuff about me includes:

I am an American. Born and raised in California by second and third generation parents whose predecessors arrived to this country at the turn of the last century. My liberal bona fides began with parents who divorced in the early-1970s, and pretty much solidified itself as my mom raised my sister and me on an educator’s salary in three different cities.

I am a Gen-Xer, caught between the battles of Boomers and Millennials and not giving a flying shit. Mine is the generation that will have to fight for our social security. We will break the American trend having less prosperity than our parents, and both my folks were middle class educators, so things ain’t looking so hot. No one has listened to Gen X yet but I hope that will change.

And I am, arguably, a writer. Or I am someone who chooses to communicate through the written word. It’d be great to be published beyond the company blog. I have a book about my mother’s murder by her second husband in 1993 with the gun he bought specifically to kill her before offing himself. I’m still seeking an agent, so if you know one, pass them my way. Meanwhile, I work on a contract in the editorial department for a private corporation in the financial field.

Other interests about me…. Baseball! Dogs! Pie > Cake! And there’s more….

My hope is for a democracy that spends its time caring for the public rather than focus on corporate interests. If anything, we as a people must maintain our freedom from authoritarian rule. Especially if he’s a strongman in bronzer. Fuck that guy.