The Final Social Media Update
It looks like Sole Member has finally done enough for the Twit machine to permanently suspend the @brcards1 account. Did I roll the dice one too many and suggest the NRA braintrust die in a hail of bullets? Even I might admit that may have gone too far. But, no, the latest and last @brcards1 Twit machine transgression was to tell my paralyzed governor, Greg Abbott, who is one of the more nauseating human beings to have ever graced this planet, to go roll his wheelchair off a cliff. It was an innocent response to him openly advocating on Twitter for the passage of Prop B, a local ordinance that would bring back a camping ban which was rescinded two years ago in light of federal courts ruling against them. See, to our governor, anything my city does is a sign of Liberals running amok in America; and since he's a mighty powerful, white, Christian soldier, confined to a wheelchair or not, he will demand that whatever my city does to stop doing it. He will even tell the Legislature [...]