Work Ethics
Lately, there has been a lot of discussion about Americans not wanting to go back to work, the crux being that unemployment benefits are too good for jobs to compete. Which is obnoxious because it avoids the entire axiom of the free marketplace. If unemployment insurance pays better than the job at hand, then pay a better wage. But Republicans would rather discuss how lazy Americans are, because that's what you do at the end of the day when you actually hate Americans. One reason B.R. Cards exists is for the sad fact that crazy, lazy Sole Member can't find a conventional job. In 1999, when I first broke out on my own, I had been out of college for 7 years and had been consistently in the workforce for over a decade. Like many young people, I spent a lot of time in the food service industry. But there comes a time when you don't want to do that anymore, and like I tell my father every time we have one of these discussions about my frustrations over not [...]