This website and its operator, Banana Republicards, LLC, are not affiliated in any way with the retail brand Banana Republic, or its parent company, Gap Inc.

Our Republic, If We Can Keep It

Yesterday, before the government of the United States had to go into lockdown due to a rampaging goon squad of Infowarriors, QBalls, and American Nazis, I realized I hadn't finished the previous blog post whose title promised that I was going to get political. That title, of course, was meant to get images of leg warmers on your mind (thereby being a great title), as well as introduce the concept of the company blog becoming some kind of edgy mouthpiece of serious discussion. Then, in perfect stoned Sole Member fashion, I went on to not discuss any politics at all. More so, I didn't even construct an ending. I posted and published and was done with it. Listen, nothing here is edited beyond the scope of my interest. I will add a link to something or other for no real reason, but I will not necessarily go back and fix the punctuation. These are blog pieces. They are meant to maybe entice you to come back to the website for more (if you want to call it that). And. as [...]

By |2021-01-08T23:37:45-08:00January 7th, 2021|Je Suis Company Blog, Uncategorized|

Let’s Get Political

However, we must first acknowledge the elephant in the room which that this photograph isn't the sharpest looking photo on the blog. That's because it was just shot by me via my phone on this day, the first Sunday of the year, in the midst of a historical meltdown by the Republican Party. All the other photos here were professionally shot, with a real camera and a concern for lighting. This is not that type of photo. The perceptive viewer might also notice these cards have been put through a few Solitaire smoke sessions with their various nicks and smears of residue. But if anything, this should prove to the durability of our 2020 Senate Impeachment Trial Acquittal playing cards. They take a licking, and keep on ticking. And, boy, are they still meaningful! Yes, it's 2021, and now each deck of 2020 Senate Impeachment Trial Acquittal playing cards comes with eight (8!!) seditious shitbags. Two shandas in one pack! Talk about a deal.  

By |2021-01-08T23:38:03-08:00January 3rd, 2021|Shop Talk, Uncategorized|

A New Year. A New Post.

It is now 2021, and not to brag, but I was asleep by 11pm last night. And when I woke up this morning, I went for a jog. But that was only after I amused myself with a back-and-forth for more than 20 minutes on the company Twit account before 6am with somebody who was very upset about the LA Times running an Op-Ed about renaming a couple mountaintops in the LA Basin after folks who weren't racist fucks. There were quite a few people to focus on in that thread. The Proud Boy who whined about soy boys was my second choice. The first choice was a dude who bitched about Presentism. Which doesn't seem to be a word, but apparently means the LA Times, as a newspaper, isn't supposed to run Op-Eds that he disagrees with. So turning a new leaf doesn't really mean becoming a new person, at least for Sole Member. Social media is a drag, and unfortunately a necessary evil. This blog piece, for example, is social media. I am using it to make myself [...]

By |2021-05-03T15:46:58-07:00January 1st, 2021|Annals of Twit, Uncategorized|

Update: Yes, We Are Now On Google Ads

There has been a lot of new traffic on the site recently, which means many new potential customers, and a few new readers. So it should be noted that Google has now allowed us to run our ads on the platform. Just as the trillion dollar global corporation arbitrarily decided on Oct 25 that the U.S. election was a sensitive event that demanded the silence of political functions in ad space (even if those political functions are actually small businesses producing playing cards commemorating the historical reality which was the Republicans in the Senate circling their wagons to protect Dear Leader from abuse of power charges in regards to blackmailing Ukraine for manufactured information regarding Joe Biden's son, Hunter), so they decided that on Dec 10, their responsibility of keeping an online nation chill can be called off. Which is very sweet of them. E-commerce is a new gig for me, and I'm lucky to have Webmaster Mike on my side. Without him, these first 10 days of Google would have drained the company. I won't get too much into [...]

By |2020-12-20T21:29:53-08:00December 20th, 2020|Of Googles and Damnation, Uncategorized|

The B.R. Cards Social Media Policy

Recently, I made the executive decision to rejoin Facebook on a personal basis so that I could promote my new company as a professional. The reason for this should be obvious. And those who have read the previous iteration of my blog, the reason why I chose to leave Facebook was pretty gosh darn obvious, too. Fuck those guys, is how I'd like to put it. I originally wanted to create a Facebook page for B.R. Cards for no other reason than to showcase photographs and post a link to our site. The only way I could do this, however, was to log in as myself and then create a business page that would be linked to my personal page. And though all of that made perfect sense, I held back because I just didn't want to do it. Being an active part of Facebook meant being further proof of their self-proclaimed reach of over 2.1 billion unique users. I don't want to sound like a tin foiled Trumper here, but there is no way that company has that many [...]

By |2021-05-03T15:47:26-07:00December 1st, 2020|Annals of Twit, Uncategorized|

Talking Turkey

Thanks to Google being a bunch of cockblocking assholes, sales haven't been as brisk as I had imagined they would have been. But sales have been consistent, and the feedback has been strictly positive. And despite our inability to advertise to the mass public, today the company received its first ever hate mail. It appears to be directed towards me as Sole Member rather than the company for which I am its sole member, so Frank shouldn't worry about it. Google's AI appears smarter than the Google ad department, although the correct answer is D: No, but I am Jewish. But Google should know as Google continues to be the smartest. They run the whole wide Internet and have declared the election to not being over. Like the Japanese warriors on Gilligan's Island, this election isn't over until Google says it is. American law and the Gregorian calendar may have declared the election officially over on November 3 at 7 p.m. local time, unless there are some extenuating circumstances be damned. It can't be said enough. This company and its [...]

By |2020-11-29T00:20:08-08:00November 25th, 2020|Of Googles and Damnation, Uncategorized|

This Is Still the Company Blog

It ought to be repeated that the thoughts here on the back page of the website consist of completely of my own beliefs and are not to be considered that of the company. The company just wants to sell cards. Meanwhile, I, Sole Member, may get bored while in between packing packages. If anything, these thoughts are to elicit the reader to possibly bookmark this site so as to come back for more wit when they happen to find themselves bored. That is my personal goal. After much thought and commiseration, I still fail to see the politics of my site, certainly not enough to ban my presence from the Google Ads platform. What I see here is history and context, and passion coupled with disappointment, but I don't see politics. I see the end result of a government that has taken advantage of its role for itself more so than for others. And yet the fact remains that nine months ago, 52 Republicans circled their wagons around Dear Leader to protect him from fair prosecution by the laws [...]

By |2020-11-29T00:20:20-08:00November 12th, 2020|Je Suis Company Blog, Uncategorized|

Reddit, Home of the Raging Hormonal Foaming at the Mouth Anti-Semite, Says Google Has a Point

What do I know about Reddit? Arguably, not much. I've used it to watch streams of ballgames that were otherwise blacked out in my broadcast region. I also know that they hid behind 1st Amendment rights when allowing folks to post pro-Nazi hysteria. They got filthy rich doing that for a decade. Reddit says that my cards are too political for them to allow me to advertise, too. Then in the next paragraph, they wrote that if I had $50k to spend, they'd overlook the political aspect of my cards. What a flexible batch of libertarians. I did everything I could to not tell Reddit to fuck off and eat a plate of dicks, even though that's right up their alley. Instead, I decided to reason with them. I wrote, "Just because 52 Republican senators circled their Leader and didn't allow the Constitution to protect our country from an unhinged Commander in Chief doesn't mean that I'm the one using politics. I am registering history. It's historical that the Republican Party did what it did on February 5, 2020." Of [...]

By |2020-11-29T00:20:37-08:00November 10th, 2020|Of Googles and Damnation, Uncategorized|

What a Wednesday

Wednesday morning was a bad moment for both me and Banana Republicards, LLC. Like most people who would visit this website and read my words, I thought Tuesday night really sucked ass. I wanted a full repudiation of this Creature of the GOP Muck presidency just like I wanted the Senate to flip Blue. Instead, we all got a night awfully similar to the night of the last presidential election. The following morning after the election in 2016 found me at a county office early in the morning, in part because I couldn't sleep, and also to beat the rush. My passport had expired. This year, I woke up around 4am and was greeted by 14 ad rejections from the Googles. And I thought, is the experiment over? Did all we get was 240 years? Yeah, I get emotional. Some of my online writings are real hoots. At least it's Thursday now. I'm not feeling as hopeless, even though Reddit, too, has decided Banana Republicards, LLC is some kind of political entity. (To be honest, if I could be King [...]

By |2020-12-01T22:12:13-08:00November 6th, 2020|Future Boredroom Archives, Uncategorized|

The Most Dangerous Cards in America

These are the ads Google won't post, because these ads will blow your minds and make you riot in the streets. First, the current ad campaign on Mother Jones: That, along with the following image ads, have been rejected by the Googs: (Notice the back of the cards, because politics and stuff.) We've got some purple, not for politics but for funk, and only bananas: This capitulation to scared and shitty, whiny Republicans makes one long for Lougle, quite frankly.  

By |2020-11-29T00:21:08-08:00November 5th, 2020|Of Googles and Damnation, Uncategorized|
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